

Wellness Habits for a Fitter you

“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.” – J. Standord       According to the Oxford Dictionary, wellness is the state of be…

Top 8 Winter Handbag Essentials

During Australia’s winter season, the weather is typically cold, wet, and windy. While this may discourage some to get out into the great outdoors,…

Use Your HealthTracker to Get Fit

Congratulations on purchasing your new fitness health tracker! With it, you can now conveniently keep tabs on your active lifestyle. It is importan…

How can I increase my daily step count?

Regular walking has been shown to provide various health benefits such as improving bone and muscle health, reducing the risk of chronic diseases l…

The importance of stretching before and after exercise: How a back stretcher can help you warm up and cool down properly

This article discusses the significance of stretching before and after exercising, and how utilising a back stretcher can aid in proper warm-up and…

Ears and Travelling

What causes ear discomfort during air travel? When an airplane begins to descend towards a destination, passengers may begin to notice a change in …

Can I Use A Massage Gun Every Day?

Massage guns are becoming increasingly popular due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness, as they provide professional percussion massage simi…

A guide to guided meditation with Smart Wellness

An 8-hour workday poses a difficult decision for the office environment, as it can disrupt our natural rhythms and cause burnout or a lack of focus…

Do you need Earplugs before you take the plunge?

Research has revealed the potential risks associated with engaging in physical activity on a regular basis, including swimming, as well as contact …

Using A Massage Gun – Post Work Out Recovery

Learning how to use a massage gun for muscle relief. Using a massage gun is straightforward and uncomplicated, so much so that you might question w…

What is the importance of clean water?

Having access to clean drinking water is critical for humans to survive and stay healthy. The World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasizes the signif…

Top Gear to Rev up your New Year Fitness Regime

Often at the beginning of the new year one wonders how to get fit and stay healthy. As we go through life, health becomes a priority, and we want t…



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