

Cost saving ways to stay warm indoors to save on skyrocketing energy prices

There’s no doubt energy prices are well and truly on the rise – just in time for winter. So, anything we can do to save some energy will help our bank balance too.

But it’s not just money we save. Although we’re moving in the right direction, the majority of Australian energy still comes from fossil fuels. Which means if we reduce energy consumption, we reduce carbon emissions. It’s win-win!

We’ve gathered a few tips below to help you make it through winter, and many of them are free!

Keep the cold out

While most modern houses are reasonably well insulated, thanks to recent building codes, you might find that draughts under doors are letting cold air in and warm air out. You can pick up or make, cost effective draught excluders (those sausage shaped things you sometimes see behind doors), or simply fold an old towel or rug to block under door ‘leaks’.

Unless you’ve got double glazed windows, you’ll also find that the outside cold ‘radiates’ into the house through the glass, while heat is lost to the outside the same way. Curtains, drapes, and blinds can all help keep the heat in and cold out. If you have them, use them as soon as the sun drops outside.

Dress sensibly

We all know that person who walks around the house in winter wearing a T shirt and bare feet. Layer up. Pop on a jumper and warm socks or slippers and drop the heater temperature down a notch or two.


There are plenty of indoor exercises that can help warm you up. Try a few star jumps every so often and see how much warmer you feel. Then congratulate yourself because you’ve also done something good for your health.

Get under a blanket

Is there anything cosier than sitting under a blanket in front of the television? Even better – get a big blanket and snuggle up to your significant other. That way you’ll also benefit from each other’s body heat, captured under the blanket. And don’t forget to turn the heater down.

Grab a cuppa

Whether it’s a cup of tea, coffee or hot water with lemon, a warming drink can help. There’s also soups ready made for a cup. Miso sachets, for example, are available in supermarkets and can warm your insides and your hands if you wrap them around the cup. Miso is also full of great nutrients, including probiotics to improve gut health.1

Bring the heat to you

Finally, turn down the energy-guzzling heater and bring the warmth to you. Hot water bottles (tucked under your blanket of course) will have you toasty in no time. And if you’re one of the many people who get cold extremities like hands and feet, consider some convenient heat pads. They last for hours. You’ll also find them particularly good if you’ve got any aches or pains (eg back). You can check out the Hotteeze range of heat pads here.

Stay cosy with some of these tips – nothing will warm your heart more than the feeling that you’ve saved money, and quite possibly, the planet.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. Do not stick directly on skin.


  1. https://www.webmd.com/diet/miso-soup-good-for-you



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