

Should I set a body fat target or a weight target?

Given that in 2017/18, 67% of Australians over the age of 18 were either overweight or obese,1 the desire to lose weight is probably fairly common….

The five vital signs in health and how to measure them

Firstly, what is a vital sign? Vital signs are “critical indicators of a person’s health and current medical status”.1 Traditionally, clinicians we…

How to strengthen your pelvic floor in 12 weeks

Let’s face it, we all want instant results when we embark on a goal to be healthier -whether it’s weight loss or exercise or better sleep. But it a…

Is there a link between Hypertension and Diabetes?

The short answer is yes. In addition to sharing some common risk factors (including being overweight and inactive), if you suffer from one of those…

What do pulse oximeters do?

A pulse oximeter measures the level of oxygen in your blood. Strictly speaking, it measures oxygen saturation, and the reading is abbreviated to ‘S…

What is the best way to measure for a fever?

A fever is a warning that something out of the ordinary is going on within your body, and the most common cause is an infection.1 From a medical po…

Blood pressure versus heart rate

While blood pressure and pulse (or heart rate) are important ways to assess your cardiovascular health, they are quite different in what they actua…

How fever fights infection

If you’ve ever experienced fever, you’ll know it’s not very pleasant. It’s often accompanied by sweating, chills and shivering, headache, and other…

Does blood pressure increase after exercise?

You’ve probably heard that exercise is one of the best things you can do to maintain good cardiovascular health, including blood pressure. But if y…

Will blood pressure be high after eating?

Under normal circumstances, your blood pressure should actually be lower after eating, and there’s a very simple reason why.1 The body is very clev…

Are Pulse Oximeters Accurate?

Perhaps the best place to start is to explain what a pulse oximeter is and how it works. A pulse oximeter measures the amount of oxygen in your blo…

How to increase ventilation in my office

We’ve heard a lot about droplets, airborne particles, and the spread of viruses over the past couple of years thanks to the Covid19 pandemic, and a…



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