There’s well known response that professional photographers use when asked, “Which is the best camera?” They always reply, “The one you have with you.”
It doesn’t matter if you’ve spent thousands of dollars on a camera and lenses, if you left it at home when you encounter an incredible scene or event, it’s not much good to you. (Thank goodness for smartphones with cameras!)
The same is true of fitness trackers or watches. The one you’re wearing is best.
To continue with the camera comparison, you can spend a lot of money on fancy equipment, but you don’t need to, to get great results. If the basics are there, you’ll still do a great job – look at the quality of photos we get from phones. The same is true of fitness watches and trackers, you really don’t need to spend a fortune to get great features, and more importantly, great results.
Let’s check out what to look for.
Firstly, the must haves – features that are essential to a good fitness watch:
Now let’s look at some features that may not be essential, but would be desirable:
The Quantum Fit Health Tracker covers off all the must haves and nice to haves above, and seamlessly connects to the WoFit app on your smartphone. It’s also incredible value. Check it out – that’s a great first move.
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