There are a variety of factors that can make it difficult for one falling asleep at night. To assist with this, here are some tips for falling asleep more quickly and easily.
When it comes time to wind down and fall asleep at the end of a long day, it can often be a more challenging task than you’d anticipate. Fortunately, there are some tried and true tips that can help your body adjust to your internal sleep rhythm and make dropping off to sleep much easier.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is our natural “sleep drive,” which builds up as the day goes on. According to Michelle Drerup, PsyD, DBSM, this drive is increased until we finally surrender to sleep. In addition, each person has something called an “internal sleep rhythm” or circadian rhythm; this affects when we actually start feeling tired and ready for bed. In order to ensure a good night’s rest, Cleveland Clinic recommends 6 strategies that can help you adjust quickly and easily:
1. Maintain a consistent bedtime routine every night
2. Avoid caffeine after 2 pm
3. Turn off all devices an hour before bedtime
4. Relax with quiet activities and dim lighting about an hour before bed
5. Use extra pillows for added comfort
6. Increase light exposure during daylight hours.
By following these steps regularly, you may see drastic improvements in how quickly you drift off happily into dreamland each night.13
The length of time it takes you to fall asleep can vary depending on the individual and their sleeping habits. Generally, if you don’t have any sleep difficulties, it shouldn’t take much more than 10-20 minutes to fall asleep. It’s normal if it takes up to 45 minutes for you to drift off, but anything over that suggests that there might be an underlying problem affecting your sleep. If you don’t manage to get enough sleep one night, it’s best not to try and make up for those lost hours during the next day – instead focus on getting a good night of restful sleep at the same time every night in order to establish a regular bedtime routine. If you find yourself having difficulty falling asleep or waking frequently through the night, then consider seeking medical advice from your GP or sleep therapist who can offer guidance on how to improve your quality of sleep.1
Dr Drerup explains that people who have good sleep cycles usually don’t give much thought to how they will get there. Instead of thinking too rigidly about what must happen in order for you to drift off, think more broadly by allowing your body and mind the chance to naturally relax. A relaxing evening routine like a warm bath or herbal tea can help lower your level of stress hormones and promote better restful patterns. In addition, exercise during the day can tire out your body so that it is more ready for sleep at night. Listening carefully for those signs from your body can help ensure peaceful nights of restful sleep without too much effort on your part. 2
The pandemic has caused many people’s schedules to shift dramatically due to the lack of commuting and more time spent at home. But it is warned that dramatic changes to routine could lead to more significant effects on your sleeping habits and patterns. Our bodies crave structure and familiarity; once those structures are disrupted, your capability of falling into regular sleep patterns becomes difficult without efforts being made. To ensure a healthy rest schedule throughout, it’s important to make sure you establish some kind of rhythmic pattern, even if it’s only during weekends when you might not usually wake up early anyway. Taking the necessary steps towards establishing such routines can greatly improve your quality of life across all areas. 3
Our modern world is filled with screens – laptops, tablets, TVs and most importantly smartphones. The use of these devices has become a normal part of our lives, but there can be a downside to staring at these screens too frequently or right before bedtime. It’s important to be mindful of the way we’re using these screens and what content we’re interacting with, as it has an effect on our sleep quality.
Doctors recommend that people stay off their devices an hour or two before bedtime in order to begin winding down for the day. While having a phone or device nearby can provide us comfort, if we spend too much time looking at our phones in the evening hours scrolling through social media, this can increase our body’s alertness instead of helping it relax for bedtime. Instead of late-night scrolling sessions, Dr suggests using your device for something more calming like listening to soothing music or playing relaxing games instead. Being mindful about how you’re using screens and the type of content you expose yourself to before bed can help improve your sleep quality significantly!4
Stress is a common culprit for reducing sleep quality. It often causes the mind to race and prevents physical relaxation needed for sleep. To help yourself wind down and reduce stress before bed, relaxation techniques can be effective tools to incorporate into your nighttime routine. Mindfulness meditation is one of these techniques that can improve overall sleep quality and decrease disturbances during the day. During this practice, individuals focus on deep breathing and remaining present in their current state, instead of worrying about other issues or stressing over what has happened in the past.
Though more traditional relaxation practices like progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery should also prove helpful in providing mental clarity as well as inducing a relaxed state of mind prior to sleep. Additionally, listening to white noise or soothing music can be another way to unwind prior to bedtime. This practice over-exposes your brain to certain noises to dull higher intensity sounds like the neighbor’s car alarm or loud conversations, which could otherwise keep you up at night. Through conscious effort towards relaxation by utilising mindful practices, you can combat the issue of stress-induced sleeplessness and improve your quality of life.5
Maintaining good sleep health is essential for our overall physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of healthy foods can help promote better sleep hygiene. Watching what we eat throughout the day can make a big difference in achieving quality restorative sleep.
It is advised to be mindful of the types of food we consume prior to bedtime such as spicy foods, caffeine and sugar which are known triggers for heartburn and indigestion as well as disrupt sleep quality. It has also been proven that individuals who have diets high in unhealthy processed carbohydrates, saturated fat and sugar have a more difficult time maintaining regular sleeping patterns. Conversely, integrating healthier options into our regimen like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains are much more conducive for getting sufficient shut eye at night. Additionally, exercising during the day can help improve our melatonin levels once it’s time to hit the sack. It is always beneficial to take an inventory of our dietary habits surrounding bedtime – this way we get on track with creating an ideal nutrition plan while keeping us alert during the daytime hours when it matters most.6
The 4-7-8 method developed by Dr. Andrew Weil is a perfect tool for those looking for an effective way to relax and manage stress levels. This yogic-inspired technique revolves around deep, mindful breathing that helps to induce a deep state of relaxation within the body. The focus is placed on exhaling slowly while counting each breath out until the desired outcome of relaxation is achieved. On top of promoting calmness and balance in both mind and body, this technique may also relieve insomnia symptoms when done as a bedtime ritual.
In order to perform the 4-7-8 breathing method correctly, one must begin by inhaling deeply through the nose for four seconds. Secondly, hold your breath for seven seconds then exhale deeply though the mouth for eight seconds. Repeat this pattern three times and gradually increase up to four rounds if needed. During practice it’s important to keep eyes closed and try to focus solely on your breathing – any distractions should be acknowledged yet disregarded in efforts of avoiding any mental strain or tension buildup. With regular practice over time, many notice a vast decline in feelings of anxiousness preoccupying their day-to-day lives as well as improved overall wellbeing thanks to this simple yet powerful exercise.7
Light plays a crucial role in regulating our bodily functions. Exposure to bright light during the day enhances mental alertness and promotes activity. Both natural daylight and artificial light sources, like e-readers, serve this purpose. On the other hand, in the evening when it gets darker, the absence of light signals to our body that its time for rest, promoting feelings of sleepiness. This promotes the production of melatonin – a hormone necessary for healthy cognitive functioning – enabling us to fall asleep quicker and remain asleep throughout the night more easily.
The importance of experiencing both daylight and darkness throughout each day shouldn’t be underestimated as it helps our body’s internal clock regulate sleep cycles efficiently while avoiding disruption to our circadian rhythms. Irregular patterns of light exposure can lead to trouble sleeping, affecting brain function and efficiency by making it harder for us to properly awake during daytime hours or rest properly at night; potentially leading to impaired cognitive performance over time if not managed correctly. Whether through natural sunlight or carefully controlled lighting conditions when using devices like tablets or phones in late evening hours – taking into account these fluctuations in light can help maintain regular healthy functioning both mentally and physically when used appropriately.8
The Dreamlight Ease Sleep Mask can block out 100% of light. It is comfortable and lightweight, making it perfect for use during daytime naps, after shift work, or on long flights. The mask provides pure darkness, even in sunlight, which is important for achieving rest. The body recognises the absence of light as a signal to rest.
A good night’s sleep is something many of us take for granted, but the reality is that quality sleep can be incredibly difficult to achieve and maintain. Insomnia can be caused by a number of factors, such as stress, anxiety, and dietary habits.
It is important to consider more than just the physical aspect of this deep sleep toolkit though; studies suggest that incorporating mindfulness activities into daily life can improve overall sleep parameters such as quality and duration. Practicing specific types of meditations are also thought to promote greater melatonin levels which help the body manage its circadian rhythm and make it clear when it’s time to go to bed!
We also recommend some good quality earplugs like the Otifleks GoodSleep, without question, is the cutting edge of sleeping earplug designs. It is the premier earplug available worldwide to combat noise related sleeping problems.9
Please ensure you use our online sizing guide prior to purchasing. You can either use your credit card to determine your size as per the instructions or you can download and print the sizing guide from10
GoodSleep is a product that can help you achieve a restful night’s sleep. It is made with thermo-active material that softens with body heat and is designed to block noise with an SNR of 30. It comes in 4 sizes (S/M/L/XL) and has a low profile, making it virtually imperceptible. The earplugs are designed for ease of insertion and removal, and are reusable for up to 2 years. They are also washable with soap and water, and the packaging doubles as a carry container.
To ensure maximum comfort and sound blocking, a sleeping earplug should have a small profile. Traditional silicone/wax earplugs can gather lint and impurities while sleeping, making them unhygienic and uneconomical in the long term. Foam earplugs are either too small or too large and uncomfortable, as they use a one size fits all policy.
Otifleks GoodSleep earplugs are made of thermo-reactive elastomer, which is a soft and flexible material that adjusts to your body temperature in just 4 minutes. This allows the earplugs to conform to the unique shape of each individual’s ear, including its bends, turns, bumps, and twists.
The GoodSleep product utilises ergonomic design to enhance comfort during sleep by blocking sound, thanks to its minimalist size and latest findings in technology.
Exercise is undeniably important to a healthy lifestyle, promoting both physical and mental wellbeing. When it comes to the relationship between physical activity and sleep quality, however, there is still some debate. Studies have shown that exercise can improve the quality of sleep by increasing serotonin levels in the brain and reducing cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone. However, exercises can also negatively impact our sleep if done too intensely or at inappropriate times of day.
When planning your exercise routine, it’s important to take into account when you will do your workout. Research seems to show that working out earlier in the morning may be more effective for producing quality restful sleep than later on in the day. This does not mean that you should avoid exercising later on in the afternoon but focus on keeping intensity moderate for maximum impact for quality nighttime rest. Exercise can be incredibly beneficial for overall health and wellness; just remember to pay attention to both how long and when you train each day!10
Having trouble sleeping can lead to detrimental effects on one’s life. It has been scientifically proven that lack of quality sleep leads to a decrease in productivity, emotional imbalance and increased stress levels alongside physical fatigue. In order to stay healthy and maintain strong emotional, physical and cognitive balance, having a good night of restful sleep is essential.
It is recommended that individuals who have difficulty sleeping take steps towards improving their sleep quality. Calming techniques like yoga or reading before bed can aid in falling asleep quickly. A consistent bedtime routine and avoiding screens before bed may also improve sleep. Ultimately, better sleep can lead individuals feeling more energized in the morning. Getting enough sleep each night has many benefits for both your mind and body.
1. How Long Should It Take to Fall Asleep? | Sleep Foundation
2. Sleep cycle stages: Chart, durations, and how to improve sleep (
3.Safe sleep and rest practices | ACECQA
4. Effects of Mobile Use on Subjective Sleep Quality (
6. Sleep Matters: The Impact Of Sleep On Health And Wellbeing | Mental Health Foundation
7. What Is the 4-7-8 Breathing Technique? – breathwork-science
8. Light and the circadian rhythm: The key to a good night’s sleep? – BBC News
9. Otifleks GoodSleep Sleeping Earplugs – Smart Wellness
11. Exercising for Better Sleep | Johns Hopkins Medicine
12. 20 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep Fast: Exercise, Supplements & More (
13. 6 Tips To Fall Asleep Fast – Cleveland Clinic – Cleveland Clinic
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