

Our Top 10 sleep tips

If you’re looking for ways to improve your sleep quality, you’re not alone. According to a survey conducted by the Australian National Health and M…

Yet another reason to get a good night’s sleep

If you’re not convinced about the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, perhaps this quote from a Harvard Medical School report might help: “…

Body and Soul Article: 7 Rules for Sleeping Well on a Plane

Body+Soul’s resident sleep expert Olivia Arezzolo shares her seven rules for sleeping well on a plane. Sleep: it’s free. And we all want more of it…

How 3D Facial Technology has been used to provide complete light block out

According to a fascinating and slightly scary website called Worldometers (https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/) – where you can watch t…

What happens if you don’t get enough sleep?

We probably all know what it feels like to not get enough sleep – tired, maybe grumpy, and possibly lacking in motivation or productivity. But lack…

How can stress affect sleep?

Believe it or not, our bodies were designed with a built-in stress ‘mechanism’. It’s a survival system. Back in the days when we would encounter a …

Simple ways to practice self-care at home – with a little help from Smart Wellness

It’s winter in Australia. Sure, some parts are more wintery than others, but it’s probably fair to assume many of us will be spending more time ind…

Which earplug for when?

Surely earplugs should be recognised as one of the most simple, useful, and versatile ‘devices’ ever invented. We’re not talking about fancy noise-…

The links between sleep and mental health

You’ve probably personally experienced how a lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can affect your mood, but the link between mental health and sleep…

Cost saving ways to stay warm indoors to save on skyrocketing energy prices

There’s no doubt energy prices are well and truly on the rise – just in time for winter. So, anything we can do to save some energy will help our b…

Can loud noises damage my ears?

If we’re not staring at the screens we carry around everywhere, we’re often listening to them, using headphones or earphones. Then, there’s the noi…

What is a cushion massager and how does it work?

Combining the words ‘cushion’ and ‘massager’ already sounds relaxing doesn’t it? And that’s exactly what it’s intended to do. The beauty of a cushi…



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